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Updated: Aug 23, 2019

On 9th June, we had our fifth Young Coders MeetUp.

Creating our ‘Unique’ stories and building websites

In this month’s MeetUp we were looking at websites; we used code to build our own pages and write content to be uploaded on to them. Adam (Malaika”s father) led the session. Before that session though, we looked at how to create our own narratives, our stories, with a special Video call from one of our very own Red Hat Open Source Stories writers, Naomi, to give us inspiration. She gave us guidance on how we can write our own unique stories and create a collaborative story about our Young Coders MeetUp community. 

Dish, our resident documentarist, was also there to take portrait photographs for us to use. Anthony, on the ground, then guided a writing session around User stories and the Young Coders MeetUp platform so we could build a picture of its requirements. Ideating about what we wanted from our YCM platform, brought up some great ideas around accessibility and usability, for example using alt text and how a parent may want different features from the young coders.

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