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Meet the Team: Meet the Team


Young Coder

My name is Femi. I started coding when I was 8 and since then I've run coding workshops to hundreds of young people across the UK and globally. In February 2018 I was part the Young Coders Conference and together with some other young coders have founded the YCM. The YCM is an awesome place for young people to meet up collaborate and develop 21st century skills. The wide variety of topics covered means we get a taste of all aspects of coding, from web design to AR and VR. I love coding as it is really cool when you can make something that helps lots of people so easily. One awesome thing about the YCM is that it is youth-led meaning that we get to choose what we want to learn about. Also the diversity, inclusion and gender parity is amazing and really adds to the diverse young coders community.

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